Monday 9 April 2012



All knows hora time plays a vital role in auspicious muhurtas.  When we calculate hora time, we have to look over the hora table. All week days start their first hora in the name of lord of the week day. That is Sunday start with sun hora. Monday start with moon hora. Tuesday start with mars hora and so on. The duration of a hora is one hour from the sun rise time. The illustration given in the Hora table is at 6.00am in the morning. We should not calculate the time as per in the hora table. We should note the sun rise time on the particular day, and also note the name of the week day, then we can calculate hora time.

Suppose the sun rise on the particular day is 06.20 am, then the hora time starts with 06.20am on the particular day in the name of the lord of the particular week day. Suppose it is Sunday, the sun rise time is 06.20am then sun hora starts from 06.20am and ends on 07.20am, then starts venus hora from 07.20am to 08.20am.

Without the hora table, no one calculate the hora time for fixing up muhurtas except eminent astrologers.

I am going to narrate the secret of fixing hora time. It will be effective for all to have it in mind while fixing muhurtas.

First of all locate all benefic planets in their own houses. And locate all malefic planets in their exalted houses. Sun, Saturn, Mars are malefic planets. Venus, mercury, Moon, Jupiter are benefic planets.

Please look to the following table.






SO, sun is in its exalted place, that is Aries, Venus is in its own house, that is Taurus, Mercury is in its own house that is Gemini, Moon is in its own house that is Cancer, Saturn is in its exalted house that is Libra, Jupiter is in its own house that is Sagittarius, and Mars is in its exalted house that is Capricorn. As per rule we locate the malefic planets in their exalted houses and benefic planets in their own houses. For Venus, Mercury, Jupiter are owning two houses but we should consider Venus only for Taurus, Mercury only for Gemini and Jupiter only for Sagittarius and we should omit other own houses for Venus, Mercury, Jupiter to fix hora time.
Suppose it is on Monday, starts with moon hora, the next is Saturn hora and so on.
The sequences of hora is SUN HORA, VENUS HORA, MERCURY HORA, MOON HORA, SATURN HORA, JUPITER HORA AND MARS HORA. SO starts with sun hora on Sunday from sun rise time up to one hour and next is venus hora for one hour and mercury hora for another one hour and so on.
And suppose it is on Monday, starts with moon hora from the sun rise time up to one hour and next is Saturn hora for one hour and Jupiter hora for another one hour and so on. So it is important that one should note the chart in their mind, we can easily locate the hora time very easily.
While fixing muhurtas, benefic planets’ hora time are useful for auspicious functions. We should avoid malefic planets’ hora time while fixing muhurtas. But in the case of Saturn hora- a malefic planet’s hora is very useful for contract with others and other firms. And also for useful in registering of lands etc.
We should remember every day; HORA starts with the name of the lord of the day from sun rise time and ends in one hour for particular hora and again the same hora repeats for another one hour at 01.00pm up to 02.00pm and also the same hora repeats for another one hour at 08.00pm up to 09.00pm and also the same hora repeats for another one hour at 03.00am up to 04.00am. It is periodically designed and readers can easily identify the hora time to start with any occasion. We should select benefic planets’ hora for to start auspicious functions and we should avoid malefic planets’ hora for to start auspicious functions. To fix up muhurthas not only consider hora but also other rules should also be applied.

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