Friday 8 June 2012



Back bone.

            If moles are present over back side of the body, it shows fortunate results. They will accumulate vehicles, assets, jewels and land. The person is very good intelligent. They have friendship with honest people.

            If moles are present nearer to back bone, they are from well to do family right from 3 or 4 generations. They attain highest posts either in Government or private. They will be renowned.

            If moles are present either deep right or left side and deep up near shoulders or below leaving central back bone, they are cowards. They do not have constant mind. They unfit for any job. 

            If moles are present right side to back bone nearer to the shoulder, they are very courageous. They attain success in all attempts.

            If moles are present left side to back bone nearer to the shoulder, they attain highest peak in life. They will be cautious in all actions.

            If moles are present below back bone nearer and between buttocks, longevity status good. They have sound health. They are very courageous.

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